events & training

Whether it’s events we’re leading for our clients, training we’re wanting to share with you, or exciting opportunities for non-profits to build their capacity, here’s where you can find different events and trainings that we’re working on.


Board 101 & 201: A Workshop for Saskatchewan Board Members at Community Non-Profits (MAY 9TH 2023)

Tuesday, May 9th 2023
5:30pm to 7:30pm CST (SK Time)
via Zoom

Hosted by Ivy + Dean Consulting

This workshop is designed for board members of small and medium-sized non-profits (budgets of under $500,000) to learn how to excel in their roles as Directors.

Who is this workshop for?

  • Small & medium-sized non-profit board members
  • Brand new board members
  • Experienced board members looking for a refresher
  • Executive Directors looking to understand their board’s responsibilities

While some components of this workshop may be relevant to any board members of Canadian non-profits, it has been designed specifically for Saskatchewan organizations incorporated under the Saskatchewan Not-for-Profit Act.

To learn more or to register, click here.


Understanding the New Saskatchewan Non-Profit Corporations Act: A Webinar for Saskatchewan Non-Profits (APRIL 17TH 2023)

Monday, April 17th 2023
5:30pm to 7:30pm CST (SK Time)
via Zoom

Hosted by Ivy + Dean Consulting
Presented by Barton Soroka, J.D.,
Gerrand Rath Johnson LLP

On March 12th, 2023, The Non-profit Corporations Act, 2021 (NPCA) is coming into force. Understanding changes to the Non-profit Corporations Act is necessary for Saskatchewan non-profit executives, directors, and volunteers, and this webinar will provide a general snapshot of what you need to know. Attendees will learn what has changed, how it will impact you, and what you’ll need to do to make sure your non-profit is meeting these new expectations.

    To learn more or to register, click here.


    Financial Oversight 101: A Workshop for Non-profit Board Members of Community Organizations (APRIL 5TH 2023)

    Wednesday, April 5th 2023
    5:30pm to 7:30pm CST (SK Time)
    via Zoom

    Hosted by Ivy + Dean Consulting
    Facilitated by Jacq Brasseur

    This workshop is designed for people who serve on non-profit boards of small and medium-sized community organizations.

    Who is this workshop for?

    • Board chairs
    • Board members
    • Treasurers
    • Finance Committee members

    While some components of this workshop may be relevant to other non-profit leaders, it has been specifically designed for board members. Executive Directors or other management staff may find it helpful to provide information to their Board.

      To learn more or to register, click here.


      Preventing Burnout 101: A Workshop for Non-Profit Leaders and Staff of Progressive Organizations (MARCH 8TH 2023)

      Wednesday, March 8th 2023
      5:30pm to 7:30pm CST (SK Time)
      via Zoom

      Hosted by Ivy + Dean Consulting
      Facilitated by Amanda Guthrie

      Fatigue and burn out are not new risks within the non-profit sector, the ongoing pandemic and current economic and social climate is contributing more stress to a stressed out sector. This workshop will address burn out through a collective community based approach and will create space to discuss preventative system changes that can be made at an organizational level, rather than reactive individual responses.

      Who is this workshop for?

      • Executive Directors or non-profit leadership team members
      • Non-profit staff
      • Board members
      • Grassroots organizations

        To learn more or to register, click here.


        Media Training 101: A Workshop for Small, Progressive Non-Profits (FEB 8TH 2023)

        Wednesday, February 8th 2023
        5:30pm to 7:30pm CST (SK Time)
        via Zoom

        Hosted by Ivy + Dean Consulting
        Facilitated by Saima Desai

        For non-profits working toward progressive change, the right quote in a news story can set you up to gain donations, volunteers, or influence over important decisions. This workshop is designed for staff at small progressive non-profits who want to learn how to share their non-profit’s story and work in Canadian media.

        In this workshop you’ll learn how to:

        • write a press release;
        • give a media interview;
        • handle reporters’ trickiest questions;
        • develop relationships with journalists; and
        • land a story in a Canadian publication.

          To learn more or to register, click here.


          Robert's Rules 101: A Workshop for Non-Profits (JAN 11TH 2023)

          Wednesday, January 11th 2023
          5:30pm to 7:30pm CST (SK Time)
          via Zoom

          Hosted by Ivy + Dean Consulting

          This workshop is designed for people who work in or with non-profits to learn about how to participate meaningfully during meetings facilitated using Robert’s Rules of Order.

          Who is this workshop for?

            • Board chairs
            • Board members
            • Executive Directors
            • Members of non-profits

            While some components of this workshop may be relevant to other entities that use Robert’s Rules of Order, it has been specifically designed for non-profits.

              To learn more or to register, click here.


              Grant Writing 101: A Workshop for Saskatchewan Non-Profits (NOV 29TH 2022)

              Tuesday, November 29th 2022
              5:30pm to 7:30pm CST (SK Time)
              via Zoom

              Hosted by Ivy + Dean Consulting

              This workshop is designed for people who are interested in or brand new to grant writing for community non-profits.

              Who is this workshop for?

              • First-time Executive Directors
              • Grassroots organizations with no staff
              • New or start-up non-profits
              • Non-profit program professionals new to grant writing

              While some components of this workshop may be relevant to any Canadian non-profits, it has been designed specifically for Saskatchewan contexts.

                To learn more or to register, click here.


                Board 101 & 201: A Workshop for Saskatchewan Board Members at Community Non-Profits (OCT 6TH 2022)

                Thursday, October 6th 2022
                5:30pm to 7:30pm CST (SK Time)
                via Zoom

                Hosted by Ivy + Dean Consulting

                This workshop is designed for board members of small and medium-sized non-profits (budgets of under $500,000) to learn how to excel in their roles as Directors.

                Who is this workshop for?

                • Small & medium-sized non-profit board members
                • Brand new board members
                • Experienced board members looking for a refresher
                • Executive Directors looking to understand their board’s responsibilities

                While some components of this workshop may be relevant to any board members of Canadian non-profits, it has been designed specifically for Saskatchewan organizations incorporated under the Saskatchewan Not-for-Profit Act.

                To learn more or to register, click here.


                Redefining the Non-Profit Sector: Youth Engagement Panel (JUNE 22ND 2022)

                Wednesday, June 22nd 2022
                7pm CST (SK Time)
                via Zoom

                Hosted in partnership between the Non-Profit Youth Leadership Network & Ivy + Dean Consulting

                Youth engagement continues to be a hot topic in the non-profit sector, but how can we ensure we engage youth effectively? We’re asking the experts with a panel of three youth leaders discussing their experiences within the sector as well as tips for organizations looking to be purposeful in their youth strategies.

                To learn more or to register, click here.


                Dreaming of a Queered Workplace (APR 7TH 2022)

                Thursday, April 7th 2022
                via Zoom

                Hosted by University of Regina Queer Initiative

                Presented by Jacq Brasseur (Ivy + Dean Consulting)

                Workplaces have pretty consistently been unsafe places for queer and trans people, and while EDI professionals have been slowly working to introduce 2SLGBTQ+ equity and inclusion practices into the corporate world, there remains so many opportunities for us to “queer” the workplace and how we manage the people within them. Jacq Brasseur has a decade-long history in leading queer and trans teams, and has spent even longer dreaming of what a truly queer workplace looks like and feels like for the people who work in it.

                To learn more or to register, click here.


                Keeping Our Non-Profits Safe: Legality of Maintaining COVID19 Restrictions for Saskatchewan Non-Profits (FEB 24TH 2022)

                Thursday, February 24th 2022
                1pm – 2:30pm
                via Zoom

                Hosted by Ivy + Dean & Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan

                Facilitated by Paige Moreside (Bainbridge Jodouin Cheecham) & Andrea C. Johnson (Gerrand Rath Johnson LLP)

                In partnership with Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan, this webinar is open to all non-profits in Saskatchewan who are seeking some guidance about if they’ll be able to maintain COVID19 restrictions after the Saskatchewan Government recently withdrew all public health restrictions.

                To learn more or to register, click here.